Increase your vibratory rate thanks to perfumes with beneficial 100% Natural Essences Anuja Aromatics Paris

Increase your vibratory rate thanks to the essential oils contained in the Perfumes Anuja Aromatics ????

Are there places where you feel better than others, places that give off good vibes? Are there people around you who radiate or on the contrary, others who "pump" you? No doubt, because any place, any person, any living organism in general has a vibration, high, felt positively or low and felt negatively.
A healthy human body resonates at a frequency of 62-78 MHz. The disease begins to manifest itself when this frequency drops below 58 MHz. Some essential oils have high or even extremely high vibrational frequencies and can act on our body frequency. Let's see how.
Vibrational Frequency of Man

The frequencies of the human body

healthy body
Brain: 70-78 MHzBrain of a genius: 80-82 MHz

Healthy body: 62-68 MHz
Core: 67-70 MHz
sick body
 Cold: 59-60 MHz
Flu: 58 MHz
Viral infection: 55 MHz
Cancer: 42 MHz
Death begins at 20 MHz
Some frequencies can prevent the development of disease, others bring healing.
Food and the vibratory rate of food
Our food depends on our health, on the vibratory rates of the food ingested too.
Vegetables or vegetable juices have a frequency of about 80 MHz, sprouted seeds an even higher frequency, seeds and dried fruits turn around 50 MHz, fresh herbs almost 25 MHz higher than dry herbs. Processed, canned or frozen foods are close to 0!
Promoting raw and living food is obvious. Carrying out an “energization” of food before meals further increases their vibratory rate.
The vibrational rates of essential oils
The frequencies of essential oils range from 52 MHz up to 320 MHz.
Vibration rate of essential oils
Vibratory Rate of Essential Oils
Damask Rose: 320 MHz
Italian helichrysum : 181 MHz
frankincense : 147 MHz
Ravintsara : 134 MHz
True Lavender : 118 MHz
german chamomile : 108 MHz
melissa : 102 MHz
Juniper : 98 MHz
Sandalwood : 96 MHz
Angelic : 85 MHz
Pepper mint : 78 MHz
Essential oils are therefore a source of high and even very high frequencies and are an aid in maintaining good health. The Rosa Damascena, at the vibratory rate of 320 MHz, the highest frequency of all essential oils will be a support in case of illness.
The frequencies of essential oils are dependent on the quality of the oils. They therefore vary according to the origin, the nature of the soil, the meteorological conditions of growth and harvesting of the plants from which the essential oils come and of course the conditions of manufacture of the oils.
Applied to the skin, essential oils will reach the bloodstream very quickly. Inhaled, diffused, applied, the smell of the essential oil will reach the limbic brain even more quickly and promote holistic care that is therefore as physiological as it is psychological. High frequency essential oils will act on the emotional and spiritual sphere, those with lower frequencies on the physical plane.
Improve your health thanks to the Natural Perfume based on organic essential oils.
Our thoughts and attitudes also have a strong influence on our frequency. Negative thoughts, fear, lack of sleep, guilt lower our vibratory rate and reduce our frequency by ten MHz. Positive thoughts, joy, pleasure, anchoring, creation increase it all the more. Prayer or meditation can increase it by almost 15 MHz.
The daily use of 100% Natural Organic Perfumes with Organic essential oils helps to raise the energetic and electromagnetic frequency of the body. Diffuse 100% Natural Organic Perfumes in your living space, take an aromatic bath with a few drops, inhale directly from the bottle, perfume your skin with a Perfume Anuja Aromatics Paris are all gestures that promote the increase of its vibratory rate. Take advantage of some of these moments to meditate is a plus.
And the higher the vibratory rate, the better the health. To your Organic Natural Perfumes!!!